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Magical incantations and rituals

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You must be registered and connected To order.

We practice a ritual for each incantation. Basically we target the incantations on the owner of the registration email address. Fill your basket then validate the order, you pay nothing and will receive an email with a summary and recommendations.
You can (optional) personalize your order with comments and photos from your personal space : Page My account.

You can also read and download from your personal space prayers corresponding to the incantations : Page My prayers

Our magic incantations are displayed at €0.00. You order and pay nothing. An order allows us to organize ourselves to perform your incantations.

A few tips

If you want several different rituals on the same person, a delay of 1 month is necessary because the energies can interfere. It is therefore preferable to redo an order placed within 30 days.

The energy of a ritual ends up fading after about a month. At the end of this period only the results obtained will remain, for example if you have found a job you will keep it.

The number of rituals depends a lot on your receptivity to energies, it is often necessary to perform a ritual several times (of the same incantation). We generally recommend 2 identical rituals in order to obtain the necessary power and increase the chances of achieving the desired results.


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